Saturday, August 29, 2009


Trinity United Methodist Church

The Administrative Council’s Building Study Committee will make a presentation on options for the future of the Educational Wing of Trinity UMC on Sunday, August 30th. This meeting will be held immediately following the Stewardship Lunch after the Worship Service. The Stewardship Luncheon will be hosted by the United Methodist Men.

This will be your chance to hear the options suggested by the committee, but more importantly, it will be followed by a time to voice your opinions, ask questions, give us your ideas and let the Administrative Council know what your wishes are for Trinity as we continue to move into the future.

Proverbs 14: 29

"A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly." - Proverbs 14:29

Responding quickly to aggravation, threat, insult, or difficulty suggests strength to many folks today. However, responding hastily out of anger is foolish. This response seldom produces the desired long term effect and nearly always compounds the problems that need to be addressed. Patiently dealing with frustrating and painful situations shows understanding and is nearly always more fruitful in the long run.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Romans 8:28

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Bad stuff happens in life. Satan has a part to play in the bad stuff. Our own sins and their consequences also play a part. The rebellion against God and the spiritual weakness in those we love bring hurtful things into our life. Sometimes, God even disciplines us to awaken us out of lethargy or to correct some sinful problemin our lives. Yet in all these things, we have an incredible promise: If we love God and are seeking to honor his call in our lives, our Father in heaven will work out all of the things going on in our life for our good.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

1 John 2:27

"As for you, the anointing you received from him [the Spirit] remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit — just as it has taught you, remain in him." -1 John 2:27 (NIV)

When we became Christians, we were not only cleansed by the Holy Spirit; we were also filled with the Holy Spirit. John speaks of this as our anointing. The Spirit helps us hear the truth about Jesus and keeps us from surrendering that truth to false teaching that would diminish either side of Jesus' identity -- Jesus, "God with us" or "God like us." We abide in Jesus when we hold on to both of these incredible truths.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Romans 8:26

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." -Romans 8:26 (NIV)

Isn't it incredible! Even in those times when my words are blocked and my heart is heavy, God hears my prayers. It is not because I am articulate, wise, or faithful enough to pray as I should. No, it is because God has graciously placed his Spirit in our hearts to make known what my words cannot capture and my mind cannot verbalize. God hears my groanings, my yearnings, my heartbreaks, and my heart-cries. He knows what I cannot think, but only feel. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, he answers those unuttered prayers with his presence, grace, and power.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Proverbs 3: 3-4

"Let love and faithfullness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3: 3-4

Monday, August 24, 2009

John 8: 31-32

"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8: 31-32

Summer Choir Concert & Ice Cream Social

This past Sunday was quite a busy day! In addition to Back to School Sunday, we also were able to enjoy the Summer Choir Concert & Ice Cream Social. Here are a few pictures from that night.

Don & Von played before the concert began.

The full choir sang several wonderful gospel songs!

The Wilson's sang with Rick.
(There were also several other solo artists too!)

The 2009 Trinity Church Choir

The Ice Cream Social after the concert.
Carolyn and several others helped out! THANKS!
Laura helped out too! Great job!

Sunday, Aug. 23rd

Yesterday was Back to School Sunday at Trinity Church. The Third Graders received their Bibles, Rick delivered an excellent message on "Training in Righteousness," and we blessed the backpacks of all the Trinity Students for the 2009-2010 school year!

Before the service, the children gathered out front.

Some of them played with their new school supplies!

Third Graders receiving their Bibles.

The children processed in while "Miss" Doris
sang "This Little Light of Mine"

They put their backpacks on the altar where
they were prayed over later in the service.
After the Blessing of the Backpacks,
the children (and the adults) received bookmarks and braclets
to help them start the school year off right!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School Sunday - Aug. 23

This Sunday, August 23rd is Back to School Sunday at Trinity United Methodist Church. We will be honoring our rising third graders with their Third Grade Bibles and blessing the backpacks of all our students and teachers for this upcoming school year. Then Sunday night, we will join together again for our End of Summer Choir Concert and Ice Cream Social! It's going to be a busy Sunday at Trinity! We hope to see you there!

This coming Sunday, Aug 23 all rising 3rd graders will be presented with a Bible from Trinity. If you have a rising 3rd grader or an older child who has not received a Bible from the church please call the church office to be included on the list.

The Age Level Committee will have the “Blessing of the Backpack” - This is exactly what it sounds like..we invite ALL students (regardless of age) to wear their backpacks to church on August 23rd. These will be placed on the altar and at the end of the Worship Service a special blessing will be prayed over them and their student for the upcoming school year. We care about you and your education.

Sunday, August 23rd at 6:30pm the choir would like to close out the summer with some good ole’ singing and ice cream. So come out and enjoy many of the “old gospel” songs with us and stay afterwards for ice cream. If you would like to bring some ice cream that would be welcome as well!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Trinity Sandwich Shoppe

This morning a group of Trinity Church Members gathered in the kitchen of the Fellowship Hall to make 500 sandwiches that will be delivered to Urban Ministries later today. Whether it was taking the twist-ties off the loaves, laying the bread out, slapping the mayo on, adding the ham, or bagging the sandwiches back up - there was a job for everyone!

Thank you to those who helped out this morning!

Cheryl Howard, Lisa King, Erica King,
Curtis Buchanan, Daniel Black, and Madison King
Madison helping take the twist-ties off!
Willie McManus and John Moore
(way in the back) were there too!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Love Thy Neighbor - Aug. 16th

For those of you who were unable to attend our services this morning, we would like to offer you a brief summary of what you missed! There was an amazing amount of love in the sanctuary this morning. It was wonderful to see the parking lot full of cars and the pews full of people there to worship the Lord in His house. The rest of the Montana Mission Team has made it home safely, and many of them were in attendance this morning (filling up 1 1/2 pews themselves!). Lynne filled in for Misti on special music and sang "Revelation Song" beautifully.

Trinity Welcomes the Campbell Family

We welcomed four new members into our congregration: Tom Campbell, Marlene Campbell, Brittney Campbell, and Kristen Campbell Stroupe. Kristen is married to David and Donna's son Justin Stroupe. They came to Trinity UMC through transfer from Davidson United Methodist Church. Welcome to the Campbell family!

Love Thy Neighbor

The message was brought to the congregation this morning by Preacher Rick, who just returned from the mission trip this past Tuesday. It was obvious that the experience he had in Montana has certainly influenced his sermon!
The Most Important Commandment
Luke 10: 25-29
"One day an expert in religious law stood up to Jesus by asking Him this question: 'Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?' Jesus replied, 'What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?' The man answered, 'You must love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.' And, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 'Right!' Jesus told him. 'Do this and you will live!' The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, 'And WHO is my neighbor?'"
The Good Samaritan

Luke 10: 30-37

"Jesus replied with an illustration: 'A Jewish man was traveling on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. They stripped him of his clothes and money, beat him up, and left him half dead beside the road. By chance a Jewish priest came along; but when he saw the man lying there, he crossed to the other side of the road and passed him by. A Temple assistant walked over and looked at him lying there, but he also passed by on the other side. Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt deep pity. Kneeling beside him, the Samaritan soothed his wounds with medicine and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. The next day he handed the innkeeper two pieces of silver and told him to take care of the man. 'If his bill runs higher than that,' he said, 'I'll pay the difference the next time I am here.' 'Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?' Jesus asked. The man replied, 'The one who showed him mercy.' Then Jesus said, 'Yes, now go and do the same.'"

This is the question that Rick presented to the church. WHO is YOUR neighbor? Many people today think so quickly of themselves before they think of others; however, that is not what Jesus has taught us. He has taught us to love our neighbors AS we would love ourselves. So who do you consider your neighbor to be? The person that you have time to help? Those who ask for help? Someone that you have decided deserves your help?

Think about the perspectives in the story. The Jewish priest could have been on his way to a very important "board meeting." Have you ever been in such a hurry to do the "work" of the church, that you passed by a neighbor in need? The Temple assistant, who was knowledgeable and intelligent, may have thought about the danger that he would face in helping the man. Have you ever let your head get in the way of helping someone, because of the dangers in offering someone a hand or because you thought about what others might think or say about you? Then consider the Good Samaritan. He was most likely on this path for a specific reason, and he had other things that he needed to take care of. He probably wasn't considered rich by any means; however, he felt pity for this man and was willing to give of his time, risk his life, offer his donkey, and pay for his stay at the inn. He choose to make the sacrifice for his fellow man, a man that would have considered the Samaritan to be "unclean."

This relates well to our mission in Montana. The people of Heart Butte are our neighbors and we are called by God to love them as we love ourselves. It is hard to see people living in such poverty, children who do not feel loved by their parents and eat as though they haven't eaten all week, and adults that will not take pride in their homes or their land. We as a church have visited with this community now for 13 years. In that time, we have made a difference. You will see the community come out of their homes to help our team pick up the trash and weed the yards. The children may not always feel love from their parents, but it is guaranteed that when our team leaves they feel the love of Jesus Christ and that kind of love will last a lifetime. This is what we are called to do as Christians. We are to love our neighbors, and in doing so, we are to show them the face of Jesus.

So who is your neighbor?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Moment of Thanks... Spread the Word

By: Mike Redding (Stop and Smell the People)
Mark this down: Noon, Friday August 14. Here’s why…

In Arlington National Cemetery, a family marks the one-year anniversary of United States Marine Captain Garrett Lawton's death. After reading my story from Arlington National Cemetery, “One Soldier’s Death,” many of us have been asking the same question: How do we say thank you to those who serve?

No matter our politics, we all want or soldiers to return home safely… to be reunited with their families. In the meantime wouldn’t it be nice if our servicemen and women knew how proud we are of them, how often we think of them, and how much we appreciate their sacrifice?

Anna and I have been looking for a simple way for masses of people to say thanks. I think we’ve stumbled upon something. It was under our noses all along. What if on Friday at noon each of us updated our Facebook or twitter status by writing something to our soldiers?

You could offer a prayer… or a moment of silence… or simply type a soldiers name… anything that for you says, “I care!” I’m not asking you to be pro-war… or anti-war. All I’m asking is for you to tell our troops and their families you haven’t forgotten them.

If for one moment we stopped yelling at each other about health care and instead made are voices one. What would that look like? What if we all tweeted or updated our FB status at the same time as a grateful nation to all the men and women serving our country?

Anna and I have reached out to the people who inspired this idea… Sgt. Carlos Baldeosingh’s widow, Rebecca; Chaplain 1LT Thomas Watson, the Charlottean leading our soldiers through their toughest hours in Iraq; and Soldier Cody Fowler who has been reading this website from the frontlines in Iraq. They all love the idea. (You’d be amazed at how “plugged in” our soldiers are to social media.) Your gratitude will reach them.

So, we are asking you to join us on Friday, August 14, 2009 to take a moment and offer up some simple words of thanks to our troops.

Also, lets see how many people we can get on board. Start telling all your Facebook and twitter friends. Let’s see how far we can spread this simple gesture of thanks.

In case you’re like me and need it spelled out… here’s how our simple plan will work…

1. On August 14, 2009 at 12 NOON EST (9AM West Coast… 7PM Baghdad… 8PM Kabul, Afghanistan) we’ll all “tweet” or update our Facebook status with a few words of gratitude, or the name of someone serving or the name of someone killed in action. (If you don’t have Facebook or Twitter you can post your words of gratitude here on this site under “comments.”)

2. Before Friday, August 14 tell everyone you can and ask them to join in our moment of thanks… and ask them to pass along news of our effort to everyone they know.

We have about 24 hours, people, get the word out!
(Copied from Stop and Smell the People by Mike Redding)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Last night a few members of Trinity headed down to Charlotte Douglas International Airport to pick up and welcome back 9 of the 20 team members of the Montana Mission Team. After waiting anxiously for quite a while, the team finally landed last night at 10:07pm and were welcomed by a slew of hugs, hand shakes, and questions like "Did you miss me??". Be sure to ask them about the trip, they are so excited to tell everyone! Welcome Home Montana Mission Team!

The Welcome Wagon!

The team coming down the escaltors!

The rest of the team!
Welcome Back!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Coming Home....

The team in Heart Butte, Montana is full of heavy hearts today - excited about being able to see family and friends again, but saddened by the fact that they have to say goodbye to some people that have become close friends over the past two weeks.

Although, I have not been in contact with the team, I am confident that they said most of their goodbyes last night over dinner at the church. Smokie, Wishie, Arlene, and Eloise MUST have been there. Arlene may have even performed a smudging, which blesses those in attendance and asks God to protect and guide them through their travels.

This morning, they awoke to eat a breakfast of leftovers in hopes to eat up anything left in the fridge before they leave. They will begin packing their luggage, cleaning the church, and then loading up the cars soon. Around 12:00 EST they will pile into the rental cars and start out on the two hour drive to Great Falls International Airport. The kids will most likely talk about things that happened at Sam's as they pass by, and the adults will look toward the airport ready to get home, but not ready to leave.

They will quickly board the airplane on their way to Minneapolis/St. Paul where they will land around 6:00pm EST. They will have a short layover, which will give them time to grab a quick bite to eat and then they will board the last plane on their journey home. Northwest Airlines Flight #1287 from Minneapolis/St. Paul to Charlotte Douglas International Airport. They will arrive in Charlotte around 10:00pm to a crowd of family and friends there to welcome them home! Many will have made signs and banners and they will all wait patiently at baggage claim for the team to start down the escalators.

I hope that you will be one of those who is waiting there to welcome them home. Whether your immediate family was a part of the team or not, as a church family, we should all be there in support of this mission team who was ready and willing to answer the call of God to be the hands and feet of Christ to the Blackfeet Indians of Heart Butte, MT.

-Shelly Black
Missionary to Heart Butte, MT 2005, 2006, & 2008

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Montana Here We Come!

The Montana Mission Team headed out of Charlotte last Friday, July 31st and arrived in Heart Butte, Saturday, August 1st. After a VERY long trip to get there, they all arrived safely in Great Falls and made the standard trip to Sam's for grocercies. Since the grocery store is a two hour drive from the church in Heart Butte, you plan on buying EVERYTHING you will need for the WHOLE two weeks in ONE trip! Plus, you have to factor in feeding a LARGE part of the community during your stay. It makes for QUITE an expeierence to say the least! If you have been a part of this mission trip and been a "Team Leader" on the trip to Sam's you know what I'm talking about!

After heading out of Sam's, the team started on the two hour journey to the United Methodist Church in Heart Butte, MT where they will be staying until Tuesday, August 11th. During this Mission Trip, they will host Vacation Bible School with up to 40-50 kids EACH day, serve dinner to the community several nights, repair a few roofs (I'm sure!), build a wheelchair ramp (if needed), talk to the people and more importantly listen to them, chase a few kids around the church (more than once), tell Regis to stop setting things on fire, tell Colby to stop doing something (I'm sure!), take a day trip into Canada to enjoy God's creation, TAKE TONS OF PICTURES, study God's word, and receive a tremendous amount of blessings!

I have included some photos from previous mission trips to Montana. For those of you who have been before, this should bring back memories... and for those of you who haven't been a part, this might just make you want to go. Enjoy!

Waiting at the Great Falls Airport.
You can pretty much see the entire airport in this photo!

The view on the way to Heart Butte, driving across Mt.

Vacation Bible School. We always feed the kids lunch.

Craft time at Bible School. Preacher Rick is "helping" Jeron.

Donnie is helping Bunky.
He couldn't see very well, so Donnie is letting him use his glasses.

Wishie telling us a story about something! =)

The women's work project! Cleaning out the vestibule!
It was being using for STORAGE!

We got the room cleaned out!
Then we stained the wood wall and filled holes in the plaster!

The we painted the walls, the floor, built this new table, and hung art work!

This the room complete! Hopefully it looks exactly like that this year!

The men's work project was to build a storage unit for all the stuff in the vestibule.

Jeff and Donnie working hard!

Loading the storage shed up with all the stuff that was kept in the vestibule of the church.

The New Storage Shed for the Church... Complete!

Smoky and Arlene taught Yates the Hand Game

Girls Night. 9-13 year olds came to the church and spent the night.
We painted finger nails, gave pedicures, and giggled the whole night!

Pow Wow is an annual event held in Heart Butte

Pow Wow Dancer

Drummers at Pow Wow

Prayer cloths hung in a tree on the butte.
For each prayer the natives hang a cloth in a tree.
"Big Sky Country"

The Abe Cox Memorial Room